Server Rules


Lineage ][ Extreme  staff is always trying to make the server fair and
enjoyable for all players. Please take your time to read these rules
before playing in our server.

Players caught breaking the rules
will be jailed or banned depending on the situation. In case you are
jailed, PM a GM when your chatban time is finished to be released from
jail. Continuously breaking the rules will result in increased
punishments, finally resulting in permanent deletion/ban of your

The GMs strive to be fair and impartial with their
enforcement of these rules. Discretion will be used as they see fit,
within reason.

Account Guidelines

* Dual/Triple/Quadruple/Etc-boxing is allowed; You can have as many connections from one IP as you wish.

Sharing accounts is allowed at your own risk. If your items/characters
are stolen due to sharing your account they will not be restored.
Account/passwords are your responsibilty.

* As mentioned above
we do not restore lost or dropped items, for whatever reason. The only
items that will be restored are donation items in the event of a
rollback or a wipe.

* Selling/trading accounts and/or items for
real life money is not allowed by any means. If you are caught
attempting to trade or sell an account, all your accounts will be

Gameplay Rules

* Respect other players and
staff members. Failure to do so may result in short chatban or in
extreme cases jailtime, at the discretion of the GMs.


Botting and use of third-party programs/scripts/modifications is not
allowed. On the Extreme server bots for providing quicker access to
buffing may be used, but only in towns. If they are taken out of town
for any reason they will be jailed. This is not a safe haven for bots
though, and the GMs reserve the right to jail any bots in town as it is
seen fit, within reason.
First infraction: Jail time. Second infraction: Increased Jail Time. Third Infraction: Ban/Deletion.

Impersonating the L2 Extreme  staff is not allowed under any
circumstances. This includes use of the GM crests, intentionally
similar names to staff members, etc.

First infraction: Ban/Deletion


Exploiting bugs/glitches is not allowed. This includes perching
players/mobs where they cannot attack back, buff and armor stacking,
olympiad glitches etc.

First infraction: Verbal Warning. Second
infraction: Jail. Third Infraction: Increased Jail Time. Fourth
Infraction: Ban/Deletion.


Advertising other servers, or glitch, bug, and exploit sites ingame is
not allowed. Advertising glitches and bug websites in order to steal
account information from others will result in instant permanent ban
and deletion. Otherwise the rules are as follows.

infraction: Verbal Warning. Second infraction: Jail. Third Infraction:
Increased Jail Time. Fourth Infraction: Ban/Deletion.


Spawn-pking is not allowed. Most spawns have 1x1 peace zones on them
that make it impossible to be killed while on them, or to attack back.
Spawnkilling rules therefore do not apply on these spawns. Hitting
people on the spawns that do not have these peace zones is not a
jailable offense, however pking a player on the spawnpoint before they
show signs of being completely loaded is not allowed. Spawnkilling is
not allowed in clanwars. To report spawnkilling a very clear screenshot
is needed, but this is not always enough proof. A movie (e.g. a
recording with Fraps) is preferable.

First infraction: Jail Time. Second infraction: Increased Jail Time. Third Infraction:


Griefbuffing unflagged players is not allowed. Griefbuffing is the act
of casting unwanted 'garbage' buffs on players to override their buffs.
It is only allowed on flagged and red players outside of peace zones.
Griefing players inside towns, even on flagged/red players is
forbidden. Griefing someone unflagged in clanwars is no longer allowed.
When you report griefbuffing a clear screenshot or a movie of the
incident is required. The GMs will not jail based on someone's
accusation alone, unless they see it in person.

First infraction: Jail Time. Second infraction: Increased Jail Time. Third Infraction:

Misc. Rules

* Nationally/Racially/Etc. offensive character names and clan names/crests will not be tolerated.

infraction: Verbal Warning. Second infraction: Jail Time. Third
Infraction: Increased Jail Time. Fourth infraction: Clan/character


* Buffscamming
is not allowed, such as setting up shop so as to sell buffs as a
non-buffer class, being AFK with a buff store open, etc. Advertising an
incorrect level will lead to a verbal warning and possibly
chatban/storeban/jailtime if you refuse to change it.

infraction: Jail Time. Second infraction: Increased Jail Time. Third
Infraction: Increased Jail Time. Fourth Infraction: Ban/Deletion.

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